Mode of Payment
Bank transfer payment option through the DMCC portal for top-up
Debit / Credit Cards
Through the DMCC portal or here
Google Pay & Apple Pay
Payment option through the DMCC portal for top-up
Emirates NBD ATM
Current Dated Cheques* & Direct Deposits for Cash**
Post-Dated Cheques (PDC)
DMCC Cash Counter (with a Pre-Booked Appointment) Please note that these cheques are related to lease instalments for licenced units.
Direct Debit System (DDS)
Automated Payment Facility for Recurring Payments Please refer to the Direct Debit System Guidance for more information.
Bank Transfers***
Direct Transfer to DMCC bank account (please refer account details below)
* Please ensure that the cheque is in the name of DMCC / Dubai Multi Commodities Centre and mentions the company account number at the back of it. Cheques issued by any bank other than Emirates NBD will take 2 to 3 business days for clearance.
** Under the UAE Federal Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organizations (CFT) - cash deposits over AED 55,000/- need to be reported to the UAE Central Bank. DMCC recommends usage of banking channels other than cash deposit via the Emirates NBD ATM facility to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements.
*** Please ensure to mention your portal account number under the payment details field for us to track the payment and fast track portal top-up.
Note: New members who do not yet have access to a Bank Account, including prior to Registration and Licensing may deposit funds equivalent to the amount required to meet immediate obligations. It is however mandatory to maintain proper documentation, including source of funds, evidence of bank account opening dates and in process documents to justify cash deposits exceeding the prescribed limits.
Visa and Mastercard have mandated 3D Secure 2.0 as the new global authentication protocol. Please use the alternative payment channels mentioned above, if your credit card issuing bank has not upgraded their systems to comply with this protocol.